Java Team3 Benchmark2
AnnoyingFriend. The setting is that of people sending messages to each other on social networks
Category: Social Networks
Benchmark Data
The Trace Part
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The Property Part
See the rules for the necessary descriptions
Informal Description
The context of this property is a monitoring system that observes people's interactions with a number of social networks. It has been observed that if person A attempts to contact person B on at least three different social networking sites without any response from person B then person B finds person A annoying. Furthermore, if there are 10 such messages across any number of sites, person A is annoying person B.
This property detects annoying people with the intention that some action is taken e.g. blocking further contact or sending them a message telling them that they are annoying.
There is a single observed event: send(personA,personB,site) records that personA sent personB a message on that site. All objects can be identified as references (i.e. using == in Java).
The property is that for every two people A and B, person A does not send person B three consecutive messages on different sites without a response. Note that, symmetrically, this should also hold for B and A. A response is a message from B to A on any site i.e. not just one of the sites that A contacted B on.
Demonstration Traces
The following traces should be accepted
send(A,B,facebook).send(A,B,myspace) send(A,B,facebook).send(A,B,myspace).send(A,B,facebook) send(A,B,facebook).send(A,B,myspace).send(B,A,twitter).send(A,B, linkedin)
Other than the anachronism of somebody using myspace, all three traces are okay as (i) the limits are not reached, (ii) sending to facebook twice is okay here as the total is 3, and (iii) B contacts A before the limits are reached.
The following three traces should be rejected
send(A,B,facebook).send(A,B,myspace).send(A,B,twitter) send(A,B,s).send(A,B,s).send(A,B,s).send(A,B,s).send(A,B,s).send(A,B,s).send(A,B,s).send(A,B,s).send(A,B,s).send(A,B,s) send(B,A,facebook).send(A,B,facebook).send(A,B,myspace).send(A,B,twitter)
In the first bad trace person A sends a message to person B three times across different sites. In the second bad trace person A sends a message to person B consecutively ten times. The third trace is bad as even though B sends a message to A at the start, there are then three consecutive messages from A to B across different sites.
Formal Specification
<< To be completed >>
A FO-LTL Specification
<< To be completed >>
Clarification Requests
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